Norfolk Neon District Portrait Session | Hampton Roads Anniversary Portraits | Misty + Chris

I see your engagement sessions and raise you a Norfolk Neon District portrait session for your anniversary. Misty and Chris are two of my favorite people (a bunch of you might recognize Misty from second shooting your wedding or all of the photos I take of her for Misty Saves the Day sometimes). If there was anyone who knows you don’t need a reason for photos… it’s Misty. She preaches it on her own when she’s moonlighting as a photographer within her company. It didn’t take TOO much convincing that they two of them should get some updated photos together… and an anniversary made for the perfect (unneeded) excuse. They let me pick the spots and I just picked things that felt like the two of them and things they love. They didn’t know where we were headed, or what we were doing, and trusted me to pick spots that made sense. We started in the Neon District in downtown Norfolk, swung by Hund’s because they’re bike nerds, and followed it up with Skinnie’s because they’re even bigger vinyl nerds. (Ask them about their collection.) And because the light was going to be justttttt right when we finished those things up, and because it’s me… I dragged them up to the top of my favorite Norfolk parking garage to end our session. It was a perfect mash up of all things mistyandchris. (All one word.)